Hemp is not the same as cannabis or marijuana
Although it belongs to the same plant family, the hemp plant is not the same plant as cannabis or cannabis plant. The big difference is that with the hemp plant you can not be high by the hallucinogenic substance THC, besides the better applications you can have with fiber hemp instead of cannabis. The fiber hemp plant can then also be legally grown in the Netherlands.
History and development of the hemp
Hemp is a crop that is grown for centuries in northwestern Europe. At the end of the 19th century it was widely grown in Russia, Italy and the United States. Early 20th century (around World War II) was the cultivation of hemp in the tribulation. Hemp fiber was partially supplanted by cheaper products like sisal and jute.
For centuries, was the cultivation of hemp on a relatively large scale also in the Netherlands. Hemp fiber was indispensable for the construction of sailing ships, who had a great need for ropes and canvas. Around the year 1910 came to an end here.
Around 1970 cannabis use in Western Europe was introduced, allowing the hemp plant received a negative image. It meant that the crop hemp was made with cannabis, because both plants have a similar origin by the name Cannabis. It took about 10 years for new applications of hemp fiber had ensured the development of new equipment for a turnaround. The late 80's the hemp plant for fiber was, and seed production at European level restored. In Spain and France the production of pulp had never been away and to align the rules with each other, they lifted the ban. Under certain conditions, if you grow the hemp, but he was (and still is) under strict control.
The revival of hemp is mainly due to the agricultural policy and the desire for more sustainable production systems.

Hemp is a one-year plant and grows best in temperate climates. The crop grows without bestrijding- and pesticides, uses little water and can be grown without fertilizers.
The hemp plant is fully used. The seeds for the production of oil (a high content of omega-3 fatty acids) for consumption and for beauty products (such as shampoo). The bast fibers are used in composite materials (like door panels in cars), insulation and special paper (as cigarette paper). The wood components are used in animal litter and building materials.
This is just some of the many possibilities of fiber hemp.